Top 5 Skills traders can learn from Bhagvad Gita
The Gita holds timeless relevance and can be applied to any time and place. In the present day, management experts are effectively utilizing its teachings. Trading is essentially the management of a profitable business, and as traders, we can learn valuable lessons from the Gita that are highly applicable to our context. The act of trading is ultimately a product of our thought process. Therefore, if we examine and manage our thoughts effectively, we can become successful traders.
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Krishna and Arjuna |
Here is something that we, traders, can learn and impart it in our day to day trading.
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन। मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि।
कर्तव्य-कर्म करनेमें ही तेरा अधिकार है, फलोंमें कभी नहीं। अतः तू कर्मफलका हेतु भी मत बन और तेरी अकर्मण्यतामें भी आसक्ति न हो।
Many traders face a common problem of fixating solely on the profits they hope to achieve while overlooking the actions necessary to attain those profits. However, the primary responsibility of any trader is to focus on learning, researching, and trading while keeping the risk and reward ratio in check, without becoming preoccupied with profit or loss. As a trader, it's important to recognize that profit and loss are beyond your control. Instead, you should concentrate on developing your skills, and knowledge, and identifying opportunities for profitable trades.
When traders solely prioritize profit, they tend to experience anxiety, which can lead to fear, ultimately clouding their judgment. A fearful mind is susceptible to making poor decisions or becoming indecisive in their trading.
त्रिविधं नरकस्येदं द्वारं नाशनमात्मनः । कामः क्रोधस्तथा लोभस्तस्मादेतत्त्रयं त्यजेत् ॥
हे अर्जुन! जीवात्मा का विनाश करने वाले “काम, क्रोध और लोभ” यह तीन प्रकार के द्वार मनुष्य को नरक में ले जाने वाले हैं, इसलिये इन तीनों को त्याग देना चाहिए!
This particular verse can be beneficial for individuals who are struggling with issues such as greed, expectation, and fear. The verse describes how both greed and fear can destroy a person, including their trading mindset. Greed can lead traders to hold onto winning trades longer than necessary or even lead to over-trading.
Expectations can also prevent traders from closing out small losses, ultimately leading to more substantial losses, and forcing them to exit the trade with significant losses. It's crucial for traders to avoid allowing such emotions to take hold as they can have negative consequences on trading outcomes. As a trader, it's important to recognize these emotions and take proactive steps to prevent them from taking over.
सत्त्वानुरूपा सर्वस्य श्रद्धा भवति भारत। श्रद्धामयोऽयं पुरुषो यो यच्छ्रद्धः स एव सः।।
हे भारत! सभी मनुष्यों की श्रद्धा उनके अन्तःकरण के अनुरूप होती है। यह पुरुष श्रद्धामय है, इसलिए जो पुरुष जैसी श्रद्धावाला है, वह स्वयं भी वही है॥
Trading = 70% Psychology + 30% Action.
The role of a trader's mindset in successful trading cannot be overstated. Your trading psychology is directly influenced by your behavior, which in turn drives your actions toward success. What you believe and how you think will inevitably reflect in your trading decisions. As a trader, it's crucial to address any psychological barriers you may be facing and focus on developing a positive thought process, along with gaining the necessary knowledge and skills.
By focusing on the psychological aspect of trading, you can be motivated to learn and take informed actions. This approach can help you navigate the challenges of the financial market more effectively and work diligently towards achieving your financial goals. Ultimately, a positive mindset coupled with a solid understanding of trading fundamentals can help you on your journey toward successful trading.
हतो वा प्राप्स्यसि स्वर्गं जित्वा वा भोक्ष्यसे महीम्। तस्मादुत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयः।।
अगर युद्धमें तू मारा जायगा तो तुझे स्वर्गकी प्राप्ति होगी और अगर युद्धमें तू जीत जायगा तो पृथ्वीका राज्य भोगेगा। अतः हे कुन्तीनन्दन! तू युद्धके लिये निश्चय करके खड़ा हो जा।
When you toss a coin, the result can be either heads or tails, no matter how many times you toss it. Similarly, when you take trades, there are only two possible outcomes - profit or loss. You cannot control which outcome will occur, but you can manage your trades with proper risk management and money management strategies.
It's essential to accept both outcomes of your trades, whether it's profit or loss. Everything that happens is an opportunity to learn and grow as a trader. By focusing on your current trades and implementing proper management techniques, you can navigate the market with more confidence and efficiency. Remember to remain patient and let the market play out while staying committed to your trading plan.
धूमेनाव्रियते वह्निर्यथादर्शो मलेन च। यथोल्बेनावृतो गर्भस्तथा तेनेदमावृतम् ॥
जिस प्रकार धुएँ से अग्नि और धूल से दर्पण ढक जाता है तथा जिस प्रकार गर्भाशय से गर्भ ढका रहता है, उसी प्रकार कामनाओं से ज्ञान ढका रहता है।
It's a common misconception for new traders in the stock market to have the primary goal of making large sums of money. However, this mindset is flawed and arises from a lack of knowledge and understanding of the risks involved in trading. Unfortunately, even experienced traders can fall prey to this mistake when driven by high expectations and greed. This can lead to irrational decision-making and misalignment in risk, vision, and money management.
As a trader, it's crucial not to let irrational thinking take over as it can limit your ability to learn and conduct proper research for successful trades. It's essential to approach trading with a realistic and informed mindset, acknowledging the inherent risks involved, and focusing on proper risk management, strategy, and research.
The Bottom Line
In trading, success is directly linked to taking calculated risks. However, inaction, indecisiveness, and paralysis can be just as dangerous to a trader as any disease. Overcoming these mental barriers requires a willingness to take calculated risks and embrace the spirit of action, or karma.
Krishna's teachings to Arjuna in the Gita emphasized the importance of action, even in the face of uncertainty and doubt. To act, or perform karma, is not just a right but a duty for traders. By taking calculated risks and embracing action, traders can overcome the mental obstacles that hold them back and move toward success in the market. Remembering this lesson can help traders approach their day-to-day trading with a sense of purpose and determination.
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Very nicely co-related and relevant. Thanks lot
ReplyDeleteThank You very much sir....